Dirtiest Items in Your Home

Keeping a clean home is something we all aim to do. Surely you have a regular cleaning routine. And for good reason. Keeping your home clean keeps your family safe from the bevy of germs and viruses lurking about. But when we are doing our regular chores, some of the most germ ridden items and areas often go untouched. That is why Green Haven Homes wants to share with you a few of the hot spots for germs that we may not think about as often as we should.

Dish Sponge

You are probably aware that it is recommended that you replace your kitchen sponge frequently. Odds are, though, that you did not set a reminder in your phone for when that should be. If you want to zap some of the estimated 321,629,869 microorganisms living on your handy dandy sponge, you can microwave it while damp for one minute. Or, you can soak your sponge in a small solution of bleach and water to effectively disinfect. If you are trying to minimize your waste, you can switch to a washcloth instead. That way you can just pop it in the washing machine when its cleanliness has gotten questionable.

Coffee Reservoir

Most Americans cannot go without their cup of joe in the morning... and afternoon. But while your coffee maker is working to keep you sane, bacteria, yeast, and mold could be brewing. Yuck! No need to cut ties with your coffee maker, though. You can clean the reservoir by brewing equal parts water and vinegar and letting that run through your machine. If the thought of remembering to regularly clean your coffee maker does not vibe with you, you may want to consider a French press or pour over method that will allow for easier cleanings.

Toothbrush Holder

A sentence you may not want to read is that, studies show that traces of fecal matter are found on most household toothbrushes. Talk about bad news. There are simple solutions that you can incorporate to mitigate the presence of such nasty bacteria, though. For starters, you can add soaking your toothbrush holder in vinegar to your regular chores. On top of that, be sure to maintain good hand washing hygiene and try to place your holder a decent distance from the porcelain throne.

Kitchen Sink

Your kitchen sink has seen a lot. Scraps of meat, coffee grounds, and more. So, it may or may not come as a surprise to you that your kitchen sink hosts more germs than your toilet handle. You can prevent this statistic from being true of your sink by sprinkling baking soda around the basin and then wiping it clean with a vinegar-soaked paper towel.

Especially with the outbreak of the novel COVID-19, families have been ramping up their cleaning regimens. Armed with the knowledge of some of the germ hot spots that are easily ​ skipped over, you can have peace of mind knowing that your home is truly clean. Do not miss out on our other Green Haven Homes blogs! We have a wealth of useful guides for homeowners.

By Green Haven Homes 5-14-2020

CATEGORIES: Home Life, Home Maintenance



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