Off Season Fireplace Maintenance

When we build our Green Haven homes, we love incorporating fireplaces. They provide such a warm focal point for colder months, and in the warmer months, fireplaces offer beautiful hearth decorating opportunities. As we shed our sweaters and look forward to sunnier days, you are probably not going to be turning your fireplace on anytime soon. That is why now is the perfect time to give your fireplace the TLC you may not get around to at other parts of the year. Here are a few maintenance suggestions to get you on your way.

Inspect It

There is really little you can tell from just looking in your flue. And failing to catch potential hazards living in your chimney can result in serious issues, including house fires. That is why it is important to seek the help of a professional. When a professional chimney inspector comes out, they will be able to alert you to cracks, moisture leaks, blockages, or any other worrisome issue lurking in your chimney.

Clean It

Not only do you not want soot potentially being tracked to other areas of your house, you do not want it building up and causing blockages in your chimney. Without the proper escape route, harmful fumes can find themselves escaping back into your house. Certainly, you do not want that! So, make sure after the cold season you get your fireplace professionally cleaned.

Close the Damper

If you happen to have a wood burning fireplace, do not forget to close the damper when you are done using your fireplace. If you forget, you will essentially be leaving a window open. This could end up costing you a lot in energy bills this Summer when a lot of your cool air will be escaping through that space.

If you have a gas burning fireplace, however, experts recommend leaving your damper open. This way, if a gas leak did occur you are not risking it building up in your living space.

And that is it! If you care for your fireplace by doing these few things, it will be all ready for you to enjoy next Winter and you can enjoy peace of mind on top of it. Equipping homeowners with the information they need to keep their homes in tip top shape is what our blog is all about. Do not forget to check out our other resourceful guides while you are here!

By Green Haven Homes 4-23-2020

CATEGORIES: Home Maintenance



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